Chairman of the BPE — Victor


The leader of BPE, the one who controlled everything behind. He had kidnapped lots of people for the biochemical test for power. You will have deadmatch with him finally.

You can find him in :

【6 - 14】

Street 5 — Black Pearl Mansion



寡妇·技能1 生产.png

hammer Armor Skill 1 : Rotary hammer

He moves straight and waves hammer in 360°, which process can’t be interrupted.

锤装·技能2 跳踩.png

hammer Armor Skill 2 : Trampling

He will jump highly and trample the target with a ranged attack.

炮装·技能1 导弹.png

Bomb Armor Skill 1 : missile

He will shoot 2 -- 3 missiles to bomb target.

炮装·技能2 机枪.png

Bomb Armor Skill 2 : machine gun

He will shoot everywhere with machine guns.

剑装·技能1 剑阵.png

blade Armor Skill 1 : light saber

He can order the light sabers to attack the specified path several times with a poisoning effect.

blade Armor Skill 2 : light ball

He can throw out a light ball to hit characters and decrease their defence.

剑装·技能3 红脸.png

blade Armor Skill 3 : overload

When he is overloading, he wil gain big boost in attack and speed.


blade Armor Skill 4 : laser

He wil shoot laser 3 times, causing great damage and stun effect.